On the subject of human emotions: "Glands. Much of this humor comes from the uproarious dialogue. But great context can turn a simple fetch quest into a phenomenon, and every action you take has a humorous edge that keeps you pushing forward with a grin. It seems that if you want to be whole again, you must confront Mobius-and do a few favors for Klein and company in the meanwhile.Īs in most role-playing games, Old World Blues' missions involve collecting objects for your quest-givers and returning to them to continue forward. As it happens, you want your brain back (go figure), yet your curious captors are no longer in possession of it. This may seem a cruel experiment, yet here you are, lobotomized and trying to reason with a robot scientist with the voice of an old-timey radio announcer. Klein and his robot cronies-an egghead having an identity crisis and a vixen with a disturbing fixation on human reproduction among them-have removed your brain. Klein, a self-important scientist who is not human, but rather a brain attached to a trio of monitors that shiver, glare, and scrutinize with exaggerated motions that communicate more emotion than any of Fallout: New Vegas' wooden character models. Old World Blues announces its wit with a hysterical opening dialogue, and doesn't let up until the final frame of the epilogue that concludes it. And there are so many bizarre touches tucked into the add-on's nooks that you'll want to turn over every stone and open every door, lest a shrewd secret go undiscovered. This kind of wit penetrates every aspect of Old World Blues, which turns ordinary fetch quests into surreal excursions that cleverly hark back to previous threads of dialogue without calling undue attention to the link. In this downloadable add-on, you have a conversation with your own body parts and learn the meaning of the word "sonjaculate," perhaps while dressed in an insecure suit of armor that asks, "Do you like me?" Expect to laugh and laugh often, even as you clobber murderous robot scorpions with a sonic weapon that you can program to sound like an opera singer.

What would you do if your spine was ripped from your body? What would happen if you had a big gun with a dog's brain? Do light switches get along with each other? These are questions you've likely never thought to ask, yet Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues answers them with more humor and irreverence than is contained in the entirety of the last two full Fallout games combined.